Help For Disable PeopleEast Eagle Foundation
We are committed to creating a Congolese society without barriers and free of discrimination for individuals with disabilities.
Worldwide Offices
People Helped
Help To EmpowerDisables
Our Mission
East Eagle Foundation was granted special consultative status by United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2016 and maintains two representations in Geneva (Switzerland) et New York (United States). Our Mission is to help disabled people in different ways and make them stand on their own feet.
Our Vision
Our vision is to eliminate poverty and empower disabled people in such a way that they can contribute to society with their skills and abilities just like the normal person. We welcome you to join our noble cause and be a part of us to reach our goal faster.
Our Causes
Inclusive Education Program
Inclusive Humanitarian Assistance
Economic Empowerment
Become A DisabilityRights Advocate
East Eagle Foundation believes in community causes and how we can work to create a long-term impact on the community as a whole. We always try our best to elevate the people who are ignored or do not have the right status in the community. East Eagle Foundation always welcomes those who believe in our cause and want to help in any way. If you believe in our cause we would definitely love to have you on our team to empower the disabled people.